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قروح الضغط

حساسية المطاط

Oman: A Model for the Integration of Community Genetic Services into Primary Health

القراء : 9634

Oman:  A Model for the Integration of Community Genetic Services into Primary Health
 Hanan A. Hamamy, MD


Volume 3, Issue 2
July 2000


The science of genetics and its potential applications in medicine have progressed very rapidly in the last two decades. To provide equitable access to quality genetic services for all those in need is a challenge to any country. This challenge can be met by integrating genetic services into the national primary health care system.
The state system in Oman provides free comprehensive health care, with almost negligible role for the private sector. The health care network includes primary health care clinics distributed throughout the country. These clinics are linked to seventeen secondary care regional hospitals and two tertiary care teaching hospitals in the capital, Muscat (1).
The estimated mid-year population in 1998 was 2,287,640, of which 1,684,850 were Omanis. Among the total population, 15% were under 5 years and 46% were under 15 years (2).


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