فهرس الموضوعات

الصلب المشقوق

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حمض الفوليك


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برنامج تدريب الامعاء

قسطرة الامعاء

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التدريب والتعليم

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الحساسية من المطاط

الاستسقاء الدماغي

الأسباب - الأعــراض - الـتشــخيص - القسطرة الدماغية

حــالات أخــرى

الجنف Scoliosis

القدم الحنفاء


غانم الرابح دائماً


العيادة المتخصصة

تصميم مبانى المعوقين

ليلى والسجادة الحمراء

فاتن لم تعد حزينة

عبودي والصلب المشقوق

حياتك بعد الشلل

الدمج التعليمي

الدليل الإرشادي للوصول الشامل في البيئة العمرانية

غانم ولغز قلعة الوكره

غانم وسر الكرسي المتحرك


الصلب المشقوق

حمض الفوليك

الاحتياجات التعليمية

قروح الضغط

حساسية المطاط

Congenital malformations in newborns in a teaching hospital in eastern Saudi Arabia

القراء : 9359

Congenital malformations in newborns in a teaching hospital in eastern Saudi Arabia

F. Al-Jama


A review of 14762 singleton live-born babies during a period of 6 years at the King Fahad Hospital, Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia is made with a view to study the clinical pattern of easily identifiable congenital malformations among neonates. The incidence of congenital malformations in the study was 17·0/1000 live births. Major abnormalities were present in 74·4% and minor ones in 25·6% of cases. The anatomical organs most commonly affected were the central nervous system (CNS), musculoskeletal and renal defects followed by gastrointestinal and chromosomal defects. CNS anomalies accounted for 48·8% of the total defects, hydrocephaly, anencephaly and meningocele being the predominant lesions. The incidence of malformed babies in diabetic mothers was 7·8%. Multiple anomalies were present in 16·7% infants. Of the total 251 malformed infants, 38 died within the first week of life with a mortality rate of 15·1%, compared with the overall perinatal mortality rate of 12·2/1000 live births in the hospital during the period of study.


Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Volume 21, Issue 6 November 2001 , pages 595 - 598


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